Legal warning

In compliance with the duty of information stipulated in article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, ANTEA PREVENCIÓN RIESGOS LABORALES, SL (hereinafter ANTEA in this document) at As the owner of the Website proceeds to communicate the identifying data required by the aforementioned standard:


Registered office: C/Innovación2, Pol. Pisa, Mairena del Aljarafe (Sevilla)

CIF: B-90113754 Email address:

Registration data in the Mercantile Registry: Seville Mercantile Registry in Volume: 3254, Folio: 217, Page: SE44254, 3rd Inscription.

This information conforms and regulates the conditions of use, the limitations of liability and the obligations that the users of the Web page that is published under the domain name assume and undertake to respect.

1. Definitions

"Page", domain that is made available to Internet Users.

"User", natural or legal person who uses or browses the Page.

"Content" are the pages that make up the entire domain which make up the information and services that ANTEA makes available to Internet Users. They contain messages, texts, photographs, graphics, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, sound and / or image files, recordings, software, appearance, graphic design and source codes and, in general, any kind of material contained in the Page.

"Hyperlink", technique by which a User can navigate through different pages of the Web, or the Internet, with a simple click on the text, icon, button or call sign that contains the link.

"Cookies", technical means for "traceability" and monitoring of navigation on Web sites. They are small text files that are written on the User's computer. This method has privacy implications, so ANTEA will promptly and reliably notify its use at the time they are implemented on the Page.

2. Terms of use

The simple and mere use of the Page grants the condition of user of the Page, either a natural or legal person, and necessarily implies the complete, full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the clauses and general conditions included in the Notice. Legal. If the User does not agree with the clauses and conditions of use of this Legal Notice, he will refrain from using the Page.

This Legal Notice is subject to changes and updates, so the version published by ANTEA may be different each time the User accesses the Portal. Therefore, the User must read the Legal Notice each and every time they access the Page.

Through the Page, ANTEA provides Users with access and use of various Contents published through the Internet by ANTEA or by authorized third parties. The User is obliged and undertakes to use the Page and the Contents in accordance with current legislation, the Legal Notice, and any other notice or instructions made known to him, either through this legal notice or in any other place within of the Contents that make up the Page, as well as with the rules of coexistence, morals and generally accepted good customs.

For this purpose, the User undertakes and undertakes NOT to use any of the Contents for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in the Legal Notice or by current legislation, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage , disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Contents, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment owned or contracted by ANTEA, other Users or any Internet user (hardware and software).

Likewise, in accordance with all this, the User may not delete, manipulate or in any way alter the "copyright" and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of ANTEA or its owners, fingerprints and / or digital identifiers, or of any other technical means established for its recognition. The User must refrain from obtaining and even attempting to obtain the Contents using means or procedures other than those that, depending on the case, have been made available for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose on the Web pages where they are Find the Contents or, in general, those that are habitually used on the Internet for this purpose as long as they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the Page, and / or the Contents.

ANTEA is not responsible for the transmission, dissemination or making available to third parties of any material contained in the page, such as information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and / or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, links, graphic designs, source codes, or any other material that you have access to as a user of the page. The use of the contents by users will be carried out without prejudice to the image and name of ANTEA.

ANTEA is not responsible for the use made of the content by users, nor does it sponsor, collaborate, or share the opinions that may be given by users, or on the websites where the content that is posted is downloaded. at your service. In case of detecting a use of the contents with a purpose that could, in the opinion of ANTEA, undermine its image, the mere communication by email to the person responsible for the misuse of the contents, will be enough to stop the use of the contents. contents of the ANTEA website.

3. Intellectual property

In the same way, the Contents are the intellectual property of ANTEA, or third parties where appropriate, therefore, the Intellectual Property rights are owned by ANTEA or third parties who have authorized their use, to whom the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights corresponds. of the same in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

De igual modo los Contenidos son propiedad intelectual de ANTEA, o de terceros en su caso, por tanto, los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual son titularidad de ANTEA o de terceros que han autorizado su uso, a quienes corresponde el ejercicio exclusivo de los derechos de explotación de los mismos en cualquier forma y, en especial, los derechos de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública y transformación.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in this Website, as well as the infringement of the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of ANTEA or of third parties included in the Page that have transferred content, will give rise to the legally established responsibilities

4. Hyperlinks

Prior authorization will not be necessary when the Hyperlink only allows access to the home page, but it will not be able to reproduce it in any way. Any other form of Hyperlink will require the express and unequivocal authorization in writing from ANTEA.

  • No será necesaria autorización previa cuando el Hiperenlace permita únicamente el acceso a la página de inicio, pero no podrá reproducirla de ninguna forma. Cualquier otra forma de Hiperenlace requerirá la autorización expresa e inequívoca por escrito por parte de ANTEA.
  • No “frames” will be created with the web pages or on the web pages of ANTEA.
  • No false, inaccurate, or offensive statements or indications will be made about ANTEA, its directors, its employees or collaborators, or the people who are related to the Page for any reason, or the Users of the Page, or the Contents supplied.
  • It will not be declared or implied that ANTEA has authorized the Hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the Contents offered or made available to the Web page on which the Hyperlink is established.
  • The Web page on which the Hyperlink is established may only contain what is strictly necessary to identify the destination of the Hyperlink.
  • The Web page on which the Hyperlink is established will not contain information or content that is illegal, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor will it contain content that is contrary to any third party rights.

5. Availability of the Page

ANTEA no garantiza la inexistencia de interrupciones o errores en el acceso a la Página, a sus Contenidos, ni que éste se encuentren actualizados, aunque desarrollará sus mejores esfuerzos para, en su caso, evitarlos, subsanarlos o actualizarlos. Por consiguiente, ANTEA no se responsabiliza de los daños o perjuicios de cualquier tipo producidos en el Usuario que traigan causa de fallos o desconexiones en las redes de telecomunicaciones que produzcan la suspensión, cancelación o interrupción del servicio del Portal durante la prestación del mismo o con carácter previo.

ANTEA excluye, con las excepciones contempladas en la legislación vigente, cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que puedan deberse a la falta de disponibilidad, continuidad o calidad del funcionamiento de la Página y de los Contenidos, al no cumplimiento de la expectativa de utilidad que los usuarios hubieren podido atribuir a la Página y a los Contenidos.

The function of the Hyperlinks that appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other websites that contain information on the matter. These Hyperlinks do not constitute any suggestion or recommendation.

ANTEA is not responsible for the contents of said linked pages, the functioning or usefulness of the Hyperlinks or the result of said links, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the user, excluding any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

El acceso a la Página no implica la obligación por parte de ANTEA de controlar la ausencia de virus, gusanos o cualquier otro elemento informático dañino. Corresponde al Usuario, en todo caso, la disponibilidad de herramientas adecuadas para la detección y desinfección de programas informáticos dañinos, por lo tanto, ANTEA no se hace responsable de los posibles errores de seguridad que se puedan producir durante la prestación del servicio de la Página, ni de los posibles daños que puedan causarse al sistema informático del usuario o de terceros (hardware y software), los ficheros o documentos almacenados en el mismo, como consecuencia de la presencia de virus en el ordenador del usuario utilizado para la conexión a los servicios y contenidos de la Web, de un mal funcionamiento del navegador o del uso de versiones no actualizadas del mismo.

6. Calidad de la Página

Given the dynamic and changing environment of the information and services provided through the Page, ANTEA always makes its best effort, but does not guarantee the complete veracity, accuracy, reliability, usefulness and / or timeliness of the Contents.

The information contained in the pages that make up this Portal is only informative, advisory, informative and advertising. In no case do they offer or have the character of a binding or contractual commitment.

7. Limitation of liability

ANTEA excludes all responsibility for the decisions that the User may make based on this information, as well as for possible typographical errors that the documents and graphics on the Page may contain. The information is subject to possible periodic changes without prior notice of its content due to expansion, improvement, correction or updating of the Contents.

It will be the full responsibility of the user of the page to check at each access if the available information has changed.

8. Notifications

All notifications and communications by ANTEA to the User made by any means will be considered effective for all purposes.

9. Availability of Contents

The provision of the service of the Page and the Contents has, in principle, indefinite duration. ANTEA, however, is authorized to terminate or suspend the provision of the Page service and / or any of the Contents at any time. When reasonably possible, ANTEA will give prior notice of the termination or suspension of the Page.

10. Use of cookies

The ANTEA websites use cookies. Cookies are files sent to a browser through a web server to record the User's activities on a website or services on the ANTEA websites (hereinafter, the services).

Cookies are used to facilitate faster access to selected services, and to personalize the services offered by the ANTEA websites, based on the user's usual choices and preferences when using the services.

Cookies are associated with a user and their computer. The user can configure his browser to not allow the installation of cookies used by the ANTEA websites, without rejecting them preventing the user from accessing the services, although, not allowing the installation of cookies, can lower the speed and quality of operation of the website or prevent the use of any of the website services.

Para ampliar la información sobre como ANTEA usa las cookies , pueden dirigirse a nuestra Politica de Cookies

11. Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal

ANTEA is aware of the importance of the privacy of personal data and therefore has implemented a data processing policy aimed at providing maximum security in the use and collection of data, guaranteeing compliance with current regulations in the matter and configuring said policy as one of the basic pillars in the entity's lines of action.

While browsing through the web it is possible that personal data may be requested through different forms provided for this purpose. Said data will be part of ANTEA's treatments. In each form we include a first layer of information about the purpose for collecting the data, your express consent and a link to our complete privacy policy.

In this way, the particular information of each data processing will be provided together with the web forms by means of a clause included in each of them, the person in charge being common to all: ANTEA, as well as the place and form of exercise of the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation in the treatment and opposition, which must be formalized by means of a written communication to the address indicated above including a copy of the DNI or equivalent identification document.

The purpose of the treatments is to respond to the query, requested information, take into account the suggestions made by the users of the Web, CV management, online budgets, the management and evaluation of the requests for participation of the users in actions. to which you register, the management of your registration to receive newsletters, or notices with information of interest, as well as communication with them to inform them about new activities and news that may be of interest to you. In all the communications you receive, you will be given the possibility of unsubscribing, to stop receiving our communications, and you can always do so by sending an email to the address

The data provided by users will not be transferred or communicated to third parties except as provided by current legislation.

ANTEA has implemented the technical and organizational measures necessary to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of Personal Data that users could facilitate as a result of accessing the different sections of the website, applying the relevant security measures based on its risk analysis and in compliance with its proactive policy.

12. Jurisdiction

For any questions that arise about the interpretation, application and compliance with this Legal Notice, as well as the claims that may arise from its use, all the parties involved submit to the Judges and Courts of Seville, expressly waiving any other whatever may correspond to them.

13. Applicable law

The Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law.

Copyright © 2022 – ANTEA SPA

All copyrights are reserved by international intellectual property laws and treaties. Its copying, reproduction or dissemination, in whole or in part, by any means is expressly prohibited.

Si lo prefieres, te llamamos

Tipo Empresa*

Sus datos serán tratados por ANTEA con la finalidad exclusiva de dar respuesta a su consulta o petición. No serán cedidos a ningún tercero. Nuestro plazo de conservación, si usted no es cliente, es de 1 año. Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición, supresión, portabilidad, limitación y a no ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas en nuestro correo, donde le atenderá nuestro DPD. Puede ampliar nuestra información sobre el tratamiento de datos en el enlace a la Política de privacidad.